Calendar1In the state of Victoria, people practice more than 130 faiths, which means there are many significant holy days and festivals each year that are acknowledged. These significant moments, celebrated each so differently, all converge in their shared belief in something both within and transcendent of this world.

In this context, the Faith Communities Council of Victoria has put together a 2016 Multifaith Calendar honoring major holy days and festivals for the following faiths: Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and SikhismTo view this Calendar click here.

Similarly, Spiritual Health Victoria (SHV) has produced a printable colourful 'Religious and Cultural Events calendar for 2016'. To view this online resource click here. The calendar reflects, to the best of SHV's knowledge, the many major religious and cultural events for the year ahead.

Please note the list of holy days and festivals is not exhaustive but comprehensive to represent each of the religions in good faith.

Spiritual Health Victoria: 2016 Multifaith Calendar

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