Meditation and Compassionate Social Action: The Contemplary

From October 27, 2018 09:30 until October 27, 2018 16:30

At North Fitzroy Library Community Room, 182/186 St Georges Rd Fitzroy North, 3068

Categories: Event

Hits: 1346

The Contemplary in partnership with Confluence invites you to:

Meditation and Compassionate Social Action| A Colloquium

Date: Saturday 27 October 2018       Time: 9:30am to 4:30pm
Location: North Fitzroy Library Community Room, 82/186 St Georges Rd, Fitzroy North 3068

Traditions of meditation are concerned with the transformation of the person in light of a vision of the highest possibilities of life. From this, a meditator acts in the world, transforming it from within. This gathering explores different dimensions of the relationship between spirituality and compassionate action in community life, historically and today, and invites speakers from different backgrounds to discuss:

Join us for a day of presentations and dialogue, and experience contemplative practices that stimulate, inspire, nourish and sustain compassionate action.

Cost: $25 (additional donation encouraged) | There is no catering for this event. The venue is located near serveral cafes providing coffee, teas and good food. Participants are invited to bring their own snacks and drinks and can use tbe kitchen attached to the room. Boiling hot water is available in the kitchen but you will need to bring your own mugs and tea.


The colloquium with open with a meditation. Each presenter will give a short talk in response to the topic of the colloquium. After their talk, each presenter will then lead a contemplative practice that inspires, or sustains them in their compassionate social action and take questions from participants. Following the presentations, there will be small group discussions involving all those attending the colloquium. This will provide an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences and responses to the questions posed by the colloquium. There will then be a panel discussion involving the presenters, followed by time for questions to the panel from participants. The day will close with a meditation.

For further details and registration, please click here. For flyer, click here