The film "American Sikh" follows Vishavjit's experiences of intolerance, racism and violent hate crimes, who finally finds acceptance in a superhero costume.
Source: SBS
In the scripture of my faith, the Holy Koran, the blessing that God bestows on us in the form of children is described as a ‘trial’ for believers.
Source: The Age
Among the many Australians who served during the second world war, there is a small group of people whose stories remain largely untold.
Source: The Conversation
October 7 was a cataclysm, a tectonic shock of epic proportion for the Jewish people.
Source: AIJAC
Sheikh Shadi Asuleiman holds many titles. He's the president of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) and is recognised as one of the 500 most influential Muslims worldwide.
Source: ABC
To foster interfaith harmony, members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently accepted an invitation to join with Muslim leaders at Victorian Mosque Open Day at the Melbourne Grand Mosque.
Source: The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints
The Productivity Commission’s draft report on philanthropy represents a major attack on Catholic and other faith-based schools, religious charities and—ultimately—on religion itself.
Source: Catholic Weekly
Pastor Dan Rooney has spent "a lifetime being in the church", but several years ago he found he needed a new way to lead others in religion.
Source: ABC
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