The Council of Christians and Jews (Victoria) would like to invite you to:
The Luncheon Club: Dr Albrecht Dümling | “The Vanished Musicians”
Date: Wednesday 31 August 2016 Time: 12:15pm to 1:30pm
Location: East Melbourne Synagogue, 488 Albert Street East Melbourne
Speaker: Dr Albrecht Dümling
About the speaker: Dr Albrecht Dümling lives as a musicologist and music critic in Berlin, Germany. After twenty years as critic for the newspaper "Der Tagesspiegel", he now contributes to the "Neue Musikzeitung" and several radio programs. In 1988 he created the exhibition "Entartete Musik. Since 1990 he has been chairman of "musica reanimata", a Society for the Promotion of Composers persecuted by the Nazis. For these activities Dümling was awarded the European Cultural Prize KAIROS. In 1995, during a lecture tour through Australia, he met in Melbourne the German-born composers George Dreyfus and Felix Werder. Fascinated by the neglected aspect of refugee musicians in Down Under he organized a conference on this topic, which was to be his research field for the next few years. As a result his book “Die verschwundenen Musiker. Jüdische Flüchtlinge in Australien” (The vanished Musicians; Jewish Refugees in Australia) was published in 2011.
“The Vanished Musicians” has now been published in Englishh and will be launched in Melbourne at the Jewish Museum of Australia after a launch in Sydney earlier in August.
Cost: $15 including light Kosher lunch.